Contact our team today to learn how PennTAP can support your business!
Services and Support
Available for manufacturers, municipalities, educational institutions, entrepreneurs, farmers, and economic development agencies.
Energy and Operational Assessments

These no-cost assessments are designed to help PA companies conserve energy and reduce waste in their facilities, lowering energy-related costs, increasing profits, and decreasing overall environmental impact. Our team of highly skilled and certified technical advisors not only assesses existing energy systems, but also explores opportunities for equipment upgrades and quantifies those opportunities into financial terms.

Energy Grants and Rebates

Our team of expert advisors help identify and secure funding opportunities that offset the cost of capital improvements. We calculate potential savings for our clients and help submit applications for resources earmarked for energy efficiency project implementation. Identification of funding available to your business and estimates of project payback are key components of our technical reports which every client receives.

University Connections

Each of our advisors is embedded within their respective Penn State campus community to better collaborate with Penn State partners and connect industry clients to student talent and premier university resources, including student talent, faculty expertise, state-of-the-art research facilities, and funded collaboration opportunities.

Success Highlights
Revolutionizing Manufacturing Efficiency: PennTAP Student Interns Lead the Way

June 24, 2024
Two PennTAP interns and recent Penn State grads, Pranaav Sankar Subramanian and Karanveer Chawla, have made impressive strides in boosting energy efficiency and productivity within the manufacturing sector.

PennTAP’s 50001 Ready Program Helps PA Companies Successfully Navigate Energy Management

May 1, 2024
PennTAP’s 50001 Ready Program empowers PA companies to excel in energy management through tailored training, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and environmental stewardship.

Creekside Springs Achieves $24,000 in Annual Energy Savings with Support from PennTAP

March 27, 2024
Through PennTAP’s assistance, Creekside Springs achieves annual energy cost savings, secures $12,000 in grants and rebates, and adds 6 new jobs while retaining 7, as a result of their energy-efficient upgrades.

"The mission of PennTAP is rooted in fostering economic growth and prosperity within the state of Pennsylvania. Our commitment to providing essential services and unwavering support to businesses not only upholds a legacy of documented economic impact but also ensures positive returns on investments for our funding partners. Through collaboration and strategic initiatives, PennTAP remains dedicated to driving sustainable development and innovation, propelling our communities toward a thriving future."
- Tanna Pugh, Director of PennTAP
Economic Benefits
Individuals Trained
Students Engaged
Jobs Created
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